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  • Founded in 1998, NSPN is a non-profit organization devoted to helping sea kayakers at all levels enjoy the ocean and improve their skills. Our home base is the North Shore of Massachusetts, but we range up and down the beautiful New England coastline.

    The heart of our club is a “pass it forward” culture of peer teaching and learning, with a membership ranging from seasoned experts to novices. Key activities include paddling trips, skills sessions, camping trips, winter pool sessions, workshops and social events.  We support members seeking leadership and coaching training with our Leadership Training Fund.

    We are a member club of the Maine Island Trail Association and are stewards of two MITA islands in Casco Bay.

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    • P&H Delphin 150 for sale - has seen some rock play, but is a clean boat in great condition. Asking $1,500. contact david.p.corbin@icloud.com  
    • Nice. Classic. I had a rear window sticker of the same for my car but it faded long ago.... I always thought Hutchinson was a talented artist even if the bare-breasted mermaid stickers affixed in the factory to the bows of my Orion were a little embarrassing. I peeled them off.  But then again Hutchinson was a maverick and an iconoclast. And besides, bare-breasted figureheads were a staple of 19th-century sea-going sailing vessels, Clipper ships especially.  Below: figurehead below the bowsprit of the British tea clipper ship Cutty Sark. The figurehead represents the witch Nannie Dee from Robert Burn’s poem Tam O’ Shanter, where you can discover why Nannie holds a horse's tail and can learn what a Cutty Sark is: Cutty Sark: In Tam o' Shanter,  (1791), a drunken youngTam, riding home on his horse, happens upon a witches' dance. Among the dancing figures is a particularly beautiful young witch named Nannie (Scots pet form of Anna), "ae winsome wench and wawlie" (line 164). She is wearing a short (cutty) harn  (linen) sark (nightshirt) which fitted her as a child (a "lassie") but which is now much too short for her. The sark also served as a woman's undergarment. In Burn's poem, its wearing by the young witch Nannie Dee as she chases Tam has erotic overtones for sure: Her cutty sark, o' Paisley harn, That while a lassie she had worn, In longitude tho' sorely scanty, It was her best, and she was vauntie. (vauntie = flirtatious boasting) In Ulysses, James Joyce wrote, "Laughing witches in red cutty sarks ride through the air on broom sticks". Below: The gamine witch Nannie, grasping Tam's horse's tail, gives chase: It was cold enough that night to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.
    • I have to make an edit, Kate. Thanks. It's Calf - not Green - Joe and I landed on on our last leg and where I spent a few hours. I heard about the caretaking of Calf by the Turkeys from Leslie B. when Leslie and I were in the outer harbor about a month ago. She mentioned lawnmowers, and there they were, stashed under the staghorn sumac next to a Zodiac dinghy. Calf is indeed quite grassy. There are two landing spots, as you know. The shale beach beneath the old hotel is the easier landing, I found, and really good for swimming. The flattened shale stones feel really good under foot. A well-placed set of stairs leads to the grassy area with its path leading to the remains of the hotel. I haven't been on Calf in fifteen years. I was delighted to rediscover it and see it so well cared-for. If the Turkeys head out there again let me know. I'd like to help out. And if a clean-up trip there includes an overnight on the island, all the better. 
    • Adam, you stated, "Green Island has some informal caretakers from the South Shore kayaking group Wild Turkeys who mow the island's grassy interlocked trails. " Did you mean Calf Island? I have never found anything remotely grassy about Green Island. Also, as a long-time member of Wild Turkeys, it's news to me that any of the group is caretaking this island. But I will be inquiring.... 
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