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April 2006 Update


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Dear NSPN members,

We're still having an active season - and we're seeing more and more folks are getting back on the water. Giddy-up!

Pool sessions: We’re wrapping up our pool sessions for the season. We still have a couple more in Beverly and one in Ipswich. For those who don't like 40 degree ocean temp - there are other alternatives for getting your boat wet. I'd also like to take this opportunity to offer a HUGE thanks to the registrars (Kim-Ipswich, Bob-Beverly, Judy-Chinatown, and John-Brookline) who spent a lot of time keeping things organized and running smoothly. Thank you.

Workshops: The camping workshop was a lot of fun - from packing boats to cooking your best recipe - thanks to Deb, Dave, Natalia, Fred & Paula for organizing this event.

The Beginner's Workshop is coming up this Saturday (April 22nd) - a lot of excitement and a lot planned. It's going to be GREAT. If you're interested in attending or introducing a friend contact kayakclass@verizon.net or for more information refer to the calendar.

Trips 2006: Now that the snow...er...winter months are gone, comes the time of year to start the planning of those trips we'd like to do. For those Leaders out there, I urge you all to post a trip or two and get some participation from our newest Trip Leaders. We're going to have a fantastic paddling season - it's only better if we're out on the water.

Wilderness First Aid & CPR Course (June 17 & 18): For those who want a refresher or to take it for the first time, NSPN is sponsoring a weekend class. Please refer to the message board & calendar for more information.

REI Demo Day (June 10 & 11): We need some assistants with this event this year. For the past three years NSPN has been well represented as assistants on the water and hosting a booth for this event for REI. We need a coordinator and booth hosts & on water assistants for both days. If anyone is interested in coordinating please contact me at kimballss@hotmail.com.

MA Bay Water Trail: Linda & I met with the organizer of the Cape Cod Waterways - a lot was learned - as well as some objectives for this summer. Basically, we need folks to chart areas on the NE coast for hazards, put-ins, contacts, etc. for our favorite paddling spots. I'll be coordinating a Water Trail meeting on May 20th place & time TBD. For those who have already contacted me, you're already on the contact list. For those who have not, feel free to contact me at kimballss@hotmail.com

I think that's it for now, safe paddling to everyone.


NSPN President

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